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Fantastic Four (2015)

(Image via 20th Century Fox, found at WallpaperFolder)
Fantastic Four has been made a few times in the past, but the most recent reboot came out in 2015. We follow the story of Reed Richards, Dr. Franklin Storm, Victor Von Doom, Ben, Sue and Johnny.
Reed Richards is a scientific genius that is given a scholarship to the Baxter Foundation. Richards builds a machine, which allows people to travel to different through different dimensions. This travel results in Reed, Sue, Victor, Johnny and Ben becoming super-beings. They now have super powers.

The super-beings are put into isolation where they are examined by scientists, in order to try and understand these powers they now have. The next scene is then a year later, where they show the fantastic four having basically mastered their powers. The movie follows the trials of these super-beings and the ultimate fight against Victor, whom tries to destroy the universe.

This movie is simply too boring to follow. There aren’t any major connections between the characters. There was no point where I felt as if the story line had the totally invested in the movie. If anything, I was quite bored and underwhelmed while watching.



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