Fantastic Four has been made a few times in the past, but the most recent reboot came out in 2015. We follow the story of Reed Richards, Dr. Franklin Storm, Victor Von Doom, Ben, Sue and Johnny.
(Image via Roadshow Entertainment and Warner Bros. Pictures, found at
What description springs to mind when you think: Mad Max. For
me personally, I picture Mel Gibson driving down the Highway with a sawn-off
shotgun and a GT Ford Falcon Coupe. Fast forward 35 years and not much has
changed. Still in the post-apocalyptic wasteland, still got Max and still got
some pretty cool high octane stunts. Only problem: It seems like the same
entire formulae has been repeated and regurgitated for a modern audience.
(Image via Roadshow Entertainment and Warner Bros. Pictures, found at
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the film. As I did most of the
movies we have reviewed. Not to mention, with actors such as Tom Hardy and
Charlize Theron, and George Miller at the helm, great visual effects, high
octane stunts (as mentioned before), 10 Academy Award Nominations and a 97% on
Rotten Tomatoes (Yes, 97 PERCENT!), It is difficult to fault such a movie.
(Image via Roadshow Entertainment and Warner Bros. Pictures, found at The Mad Max Wiki)
On top of a recycled list of plot features, the fact that the
story was incoherent, disjointed, had no general direction and made a 2 hour
run time feel like a decade left me feeling like I was waiting for something…
and the explosions! Wooo …... and waiting again…. and still waiting.
(Image via Roadshow Entertainment and Warner Bros. Pictures, found at Gizmodo Australia)
All in all, A decent film that got a bit full of itself with
Oscar nominations and decided to save budget on writing by taking all the previous
Mad Max movie plots, putting them in a blender and then reconstructing them in
no discernible order.