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The Avengers (2012)

(Image via Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, found at FilmoFilia)
The Avengers is one of those movies that when it came out I thought it was amazing, but in hindsight I can now see how average of a movie it was.
I think a lot of this opinion is due to how spoiled we are with the quality of superhero movies today. When The Avengers came out, sure it was special to witness each member assemble into the team we have now grown so used to seeing on screen. I’ll admit I still get chills when the score swells during this iconic shot:

(Image via Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, found at Reddit)
But if you take a step back for a second, why is The Avengers still so adored to this day? Yes, it was special at the time and a momentous time for comic book movies, but you’re seriously going to tell me that The Avengers with its generic grey aliens, clichéd world-ending cataclysmic threat, and paper-thin story about a group of misfits overcoming their differences to work as a team is better than the emotional and nuanced plot of Captain America: Civil War? And if it’s that important, I’d even argue Civil War has a way MORE iconic shot!

(Image via Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, found at io9)
I think for me, my main gripe with this movie is not that its bad or undeserved of praise, but that it’s really not all that special, apart from being the first proper team-superhero flick. And yet it’s still regarded as one of the best comic book movies to date. Despite only coming out four years ago, I think we need to take of the rose-tinted glasses and admit that this was a fun and important movie, but has been surpassed by far more meaningful and thoughtful superhero films since. 3/5

- James

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